Mel, NP.

Melissa McNamara, creator of Happy Easier, is dedicated to showing that happiness is within everyone’s reach. Her happiness blog is full of tips, techniques, and insights for living a happier, healthier life. As a nurse practitioner with a journalism degree, she combines her healthcare expertise with storytelling. Despite a challenging start in life, she turned her struggles into strengths, ultimately achieving success and happiness. Melissa's journey is a testament to positive change, and through Happy Easier, she helps others create the happiness they deserve.

A young woman is depicted with a frustrated expression on her face. She is covering her ears with both hands, attempting to block out the words of another person.

Toxic People: Overcome Them if You Want to Be Happy

Overcoming toxic people is an important topic, but before we dive into the main content, it’s important to address a crucial point. If you are being sexually, physically, or emotionally abused, or being threatened in any way, please do not attempt to stay in the situation. There is help available (see resources below). Immediate Help

Toxic People: Overcome Them if You Want to Be Happy Read More »

The image of a lady holding a sign that says "You Are Amazing" is designed to inspire and uplift viewers. Its purpose is to spread positivity and encouragement, reminding people of their worth and potential. This image serves as a motivational reminder to believe in oneself and recognize their unique value.

If You Want to Be Happy, Start with Positive Affirmations

If you want to be happy and achieve a positive mindset, understanding the power of affirmations is essential. Affirmations are more than just “I am” statements that provide a temporary sense of positivity. The phrase “I Am” is one of the most powerful statements you can ever think, write, or speak. The Importance of Positive

If You Want to Be Happy, Start with Positive Affirmations Read More »

A woman is standing at her office desk, eyes closed, and taking a deep breath. The office environment is modern and well-lit, with a computer, notepad, and a few potted plants on the desk. The overall scene conveys a sense of tranquility and mindfulness amidst a busy workday, illustrating the concept of the "Just Breathe Meditation Game" in an office setting.

Meditation Game: The Ultimate Challenge to Silence Mind Chatter

The meditation game is the ultimate way to quiet the mind. Why would you want to quiet the mind? Well, let’s see. That’s a lot of noodles. Kitty, kitty, kitty. Just be friends. We don’t talk about Bruno-no-no-no…IT WAS OUR WEDDING DAY! I really love teaching meditation and sharing tips and techniques. Fo sho. Cow.

Meditation Game: The Ultimate Challenge to Silence Mind Chatter Read More »

The purpose of the image is to depict a woman who is optimistic and hopeful as she prepares to start taking antidepressants. She is smiling warmly, exuding a sense of relief and anticipation for a positive change in her life. The image aims to convey a message of support, resilience, and the beginning of a journey toward improved mental health and happiness.

Stigma Around Mental Health and the Goal for Happiness

It’s time to break the stigma around mental health. My view on antidepressants might be controversial in the mindfulness and personal growth communities, but I’ll be personal and open with you about the benefits of antidepressants when they’re medically indicated. I have been developing a mindfulness practice for several years and throughout my mindfulness studies,

Stigma Around Mental Health and the Goal for Happiness Read More »

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