With a positive mindset, you have the ability to create the life you want by meeting goals and obtaining happiness. The only thing standing between you and your goals and true happiness is your own limiting beliefs. If you follow the steps listed below and are consistent with these steps, you will see your life change.
1. Set Realistic Intention and Goals to Create the Life You Want
Intentions are created by setting goals and combining the intended goal with the belief that your goals are attainable. Start by making a list of your goals. Carry your list with you in an easy-to-access area, like a wallet or purse. Separate short-term goals from big-picture goals.
- Short-term goals: Daily, weekly, or monthly targets.
- Big-picture goals: 1, 5, 10, or 15-year plans.
Common Mistake:
Setting goals too large to see measurable results can lead to a loss of motivation and less happiness. This is why I love the second step…
2. Complete the Daily Five
The Daily Five are five daily short-term goals with the intention of meeting your long-term goals. The Daily Five allows you to cross off five tasks every day, keeping you constantly pushing forward to meet your goals. Setting and meeting goals is a huge step for how to live a happy life.
If I wanted to create a successful blog, my first day could be:
- Research hosts.
- Research niches.
- List potential blog names.
- Check which blog names are available.
- Pick the top three blog names.
The following day may be:
- Get multiple friends’ opinions on the blog names.
- Buy the available domain.
- Purchase a hosting plan.
- Find a design template.
- Come up with article ideas.
These simple baby steps are the stepping stones needed to achieve your bigger dream if you want to be happy.
How are the Daily Five part of Creating the Life You Want?
Starting the Daily Five today enhances the feeling that your goals are attainable since you’re consistently crossing off daily steps that get you closer and closer to your final destination. And if that’s not motivating enough, there’s step three…
3. Create a List Defining Why You Want to Meet Your Goals and Create the Life You Want
Why do you want to be happier? Why do you want to be successful? Why do you want that relationship? Why do you want that lifestyle? More simply put, why do you have the goals you have?
Make a list of the reasons you want to manifest your goals. Start each sentence with your goals.
- I want to create a successful blog, so I can spend more time with my family.
- I want to create a successful blog, so I can earn $2,000 more per month.
- I want to create a successful blog, so I can buy a bigger house.
- I want to create a successful blog, so I can afford an annual vacation to Hawaii.
- I want to create a successful blog, so I can pay off my student loans.
4. Visualize Your Goals as Already Obtained to Create the Life You Want
With your list of reasons to meet your goals, visualize yourself as already obtaining your desires. Feel the emotions of already meeting your goals. Experience the happiness now.
Visualization Examples:
Using the example of creating a successful blog:
- Visualize your bank account with an extra $2,000.
- Imagine writing and sending the final check for your student loan payment.
- Picture yourself sitting on a beach outside of your luxury Hawaiian hotel.
- See yourself cooking dinner each night for your family in your large house.
- Visualize building a garden in your huge yard.
You can create a visualization board or journal, draw or paint pictures, or just engage in good ol’ fashion daydreaming. Visualizations are strongly influenced by the law of attraction, which states we attract what we think about.
By visualizing our goals as already obtained and matching the feelings of our goals obtained, we enhance the ability to manifest our desires into our life.
5. Create the Life You Want by Writing Affirmations that Match Your Goals
Write five affirmations every day before bed declaring you’ve already achieved your goals.
- I am so happy and grateful that I have time to cook dinner and spend the evenings with my family.
- I am thankful for the extra $2,000 I make monthly with my blog.
- I am so blessed to have such a comfortable roomy home.
- I am so happy that my Hawaii vacation is all paid for and I’m ready to go.
- I am grateful that my student loan is paid in full and I have so much money available to do other things.
Affirmations do not have to be magically extravagant. You’ve already seen yourself obtaining your goal through the process of visualization, so this step is just showing your gratitude and claiming your desire as a reality.
6. Create a Daily Gratitude List to Create the Life You Want
Daily gratitude is definitely my thing, and it is key to a positive mindset! The daily gratitude list does not have to include your goals but instead just five things you are grateful for today.
Example Gratitude List:
- A heated home (the windchill is 25 below zero).
- Watching my daughter play with her toys she got for her birthday.
- Having a truck with 4-wheel drive in the winter.
- My healthcare career.
- A hot shower.
By focusing on what makes you feel happy, you’ll attract more happiness into your life. Even seemingly negative events can make you feel grateful. For example, walking from my daughter’s bus stop during a wind advisory in windchill below zero made me appreciate warmth and comfort even more.
7. Meditate Twice Daily
It’s better to meditate for five minutes twice daily than it is for 30 minutes once per week. Meditation helps you quiet your mind while focusing on the greatest gift the universe has ever created—your breath.
Benefits of Meditation:
- Quiet Mind: Helps you align with the universe and reach an energetic flow that puts you into a receiving state.
- Release Emotional Blocks: Enhances your ability to live a happy life and create the life you want.
A quick Google search will show several types of meditation, so start practicing and find a meditation that works best for you.
Namaste, my friends!