We all have an inner voice, a nagging mind chatter that serves no real purpose in our lives. Yet, we give it so much control that it navigates our decisions, moods, and circumstances. This voice is not you, so where does it come from? It’s constantly talking, always present in the mental background. This inner voice has been with us for so long that we’re not even aware of its presence. It has become part of us, like a parasite. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
You can break free from the control this neurotic voice has over your life. The first step is to fully recognize this voice so you can silence the mental chaos. You can’t stop something if you can’t acknowledge it.
What is the Inner Voice?
Let’s start by saying it’s not Jiminy Cricket leading you to make good decisions in your life. Far from it! The voice is reckless and messes things up for you far more than it helps. Here’s a quick exercise:
- Sit quietly. You can close your eyes, but you don’t have to.
- Without making a sound, mentally say:
- “Hello!”
- “I like blue cats.”
- “This is dumb.”
That voice that said, “Hello, I like blue cats. This is dumb”—well, that’s the inner voice. It’s the mental chatter constantly playing on repeat in your head. That voice has something to say about everything you have experienced, are experiencing, or anticipating. It’s highly opinionated and loves to argue. It’s like there’s another person in there with you—a rambling diva you’d never go to for advice, yet you always get so involved when the diva talks.
You interact without hesitation to the madness mistaken as an internal guide. You get angry, hurt, and resentful by things the voice says. In a matter of seconds, that voice can completely destroy a great day or even a meaningful relationship.
The Inner Voice’s Impact on Your Life
The inner voice makes you feel busy while accomplishing nothing. It thinks everything and everyone requires evaluation. It’s completely indecisive and can flip-flop in seconds from one opinion to the next. It convinces you that you embarrassed yourself, that people don’t care about you or your ideas, or that someone is angry at you—and it’s often wrong.
It tells you that you’re old, fat, stupid, slow, or lazy. It also puts down other people. It’s like an abusive relationship that you can’t escape because this voice follows you everywhere—in bed, doing the dishes, in the shower, on the toilet. There is no escape unless you learn to control the voice through mindful action.
Quiet Your Inner Voice with Mindfulness
Mindfulness is like any form of exercise; it must be practiced daily to be effective. Once you’re mindful of the voice, you’ll become better at recognizing it and not attaching yourself to the thoughts that lead to a downward spiral. Let’s start with a 60-second exercise (it’ll likely be longer than 60 seconds and that’s okay).
- Set a timer for 60 seconds. Do not count for 60 seconds because counting is performed by the inner voice we’re trying to stop during this exercise.
- Take deep breaths in through your nose and exhale out of your mouth. Do NOT count the breaths. Just sit in silence for 60 seconds while breathing in and out.
- If the voice even makes one statement: “This is easy…I’m doing it…. Okay… Uhhh….In and out…Nice…boring….” Restart the 60-second timer.
- Do not stop the exercise until you’ve successfully gone a full 60 seconds without a peep from your inner diva. Just a tip—if you have to ask yourself, “Was that the voice?”, the answer is yes. Restart the 60 seconds.
Recognizing and Silencing the Inner Voice
The purpose of this article is to help you get better at recognizing the voice before it continues to cause unnecessary problems in your life. Michael Singer does an amazing job of discussing this voice, which he refers to as “the inner roommate” in The Untethered Soul. Hopefully, this article helps you recognize the voice so you can live a more peaceful life without the nonsensical noise. For a more thorough explanation, I highly recommend purchasing The Untethered Soul.
Steps to Quiet Your Inner Voice
- Acknowledge Its Presence: The first step to quieting your inner voice is acknowledging it exists. Understand that this voice is not you and does not define your thoughts or actions.
- Practice Mindfulness: Engage in daily mindfulness practices to help you become aware of the inner voice. Simple breathing exercises, as mentioned earlier, can help you start this process.
- Challenge the Voice: When the inner voice says something negative or unhelpful, challenge it. Ask yourself if what it’s saying is true or if it’s just a habit of negativity.
- Shift Your Focus: Redirect your focus to positive and constructive thoughts. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, which can help drown out the negative chatter.
- Seek Professional Help: If the inner voice is particularly loud and disruptive, seeking help from a mental health professional can be beneficial. They can provide you with tools and strategies to manage and quiet the inner voice.
Benefits of Silencing the Inner Voice
By learning to quiet your inner voice, you can experience numerous benefits which all aim to live a happy life:
- Improved Mental Health: Reduced negative self-talk can lead to decreased anxiety and depression.
- Better Decision Making: With a quieter mind, you can make clearer and more rational decisions.
- Enhanced Relationships: Less internal chaos can lead to more meaningful and positive interactions with others.
- Increased Productivity: A quiet mind allows for better focus and concentration, leading to higher productivity.
Final Thoughts on Quieting Your Inner Voice
Quieting your inner voice is a journey that requires patience and practice. It won’t happen overnight, but with consistent effort, you can reduce the control this voice has over your life. Start with small steps, like the 60-second mindfulness exercise, and gradually incorporate more techniques to help you manage and quiet the inner chatter. Remember, the goal is not to eliminate the inner voice completely but to reduce its influence and regain control over your thoughts and actions. By doing so, you can live a more peaceful, productive, and fulfilling life.