Raise Your Vibration and Elevate Your Spirit

If you raise your vibration in life, you’re guaranteed to be happier. However, if you’re not sending out the kind of energy and positivity you want in your life, you’ll find yourself stuck and unable to grow. Raising your energetic vibrations is 100% necessary to live a happy life. Remember, we are different people, so what works for me may not work for you since we’re unique individuals with different likes and dislikes.

Here are five excellent ways to raise your vibrations and elevate your spirit.

1. Listen to Music to Raise Your Vibration

Listen to high-energy music that sends out positive vibes. Keep it fun! The Lizzo channel on Alexa is definitely my jam right now because she’s all about empowerment, success, not caring what others think, and her songs are fun.

To raise your vibration, the songs and music must put you in a good mood. If you’re listening to songs about breaking up (unless it’s empowering), heartache, poor-me, or death, you’re going to attract circumstances that match the vibrations of these songs.

Music should always match the energy and feelings you want to create. If you’re singing all your energy into a sad, depressing song, then I hope you’re ready for a rough day.

Fun Tip:

Imagine you’re on stage as the singer with all your fans. It’s an excellent visualization exercise and puts you in an empowering situation.

EGO/Fear Exercise:

While listening to your music in the car, keep the same energy of singing in your car with others passing by or seeing you at a stop light as you have at home when you’re alone. We tend to hold back our greatness out of fear of judgment.

How to Know If Your Energy Is Raised:

Goosebumps are an excellent sign. Also, if time just sped by, but you didn’t realize it because you were so engaged in the music, you’re on the right path.

2. Dance, Dance, Dance!

Anyone who knows me will tell you I love to dance. My favorite type of dance is shuffling, which is energetic, fun, and improves balance and mind-body alignment. I discovered shuffling while learning how to moonwalk, and it has changed my life.

If I feel low energy emotions, such as fear, jealousy, depression, or anger, it just takes the EDM (electronic dance music) channel and a good shuffling session to improve my mood, which in turn improves my energy and happiness.

Shuffling as Meditation:

Shuffling is a form of meditation for me, and it’s my favorite meditation. Unless I’m actively trying to learn a new dance move, most dance steps are a part of muscle memory, and my body just knows what to do without thinking about it. Unlike focusing on inhalation and exhalation with silent meditation, the focus is mindfully on the beat, and my feet just follow the beat.

Fun Tip to Raise Your Vibration:

Incorporate high-energy music with a positive message while also singing and dancing. High vibrations all around!

EGO Exercise:

Do not tell yourself you’re not a good dancer. If you commit to learning how to do something, then you can do it. Three years ago, I didn’t even know shuffling was a thing.

Watch different styles of dancing on YouTube and pick the one you think would be fun. You might be terrible at first, but you will thank yourself in a year and will be able to amaze yourself with your awesome new dancing skills. You can do this, and do not let your ego tell you otherwise.

How to Know If You Picked the Right Dance:

It’s based on how excited you are to learn and practice it. Rate your excitement each time you learn a new dance move. Are you determined to learn certain dance moves even if it takes you a week or longer? Do you visualize the steps while you’re resting? If you answered yes and rate learning new moves above a 7 out of 10, you’re on the right track.

3. Hypnosis to Raise Your Vibration

I’m sure this is where you’re expecting the meditation speech. To be completely honest, meditation is not my favorite way to raise my vibrations. Don’t get me wrong, I do meditate because I fully understand the benefits, but I’m a full-time nurse practitioner in a busy household with two school-aged children. I don’t have time to sit undistracted for 20, 30, or 60 minutes per day (some people even suggest longer). Even my cat sits outside the closed door meowing and scratching at the door until I open it. My cat also waits until the perfect moment during my meditation to jump on my lap (because that’s not distracting at all).

Hypnosis Instead of Meditation:

Each night, I go to YouTube and find a hypnosis by Michael Sealy. As of yet, I haven’t been convinced through hypnosis that I’m James Bond or a chicken being chased (sorry if that disappoints you). However, I have reached incredible levels of relaxation through hypnosis.

Although I do most of my hypnosis in the evening, I’ll do it during the day if stress levels are high. Hypnosis, like a good meditation session, is a breath of fresh air that allows tension to melt away and leaves you in a higher vibrational state.

I’ve gone so deep into hypnosis that I’ve felt like my body was melting into my mattress, and my entire body vibrates to the point that the bed feels like it’s shaking.

Hypnosis Tip to Raise Your Vibration:

Make sure you’re comfortable. Do not wear clothing that is too tight and be sure your skin is moisturized. Wear chapstick for deep breathing to keep your lips from getting dry and uncomfortable.

Michael Sealy:

Not an affiliate, just a fan.

4. Declutter and Clean Your Home to Raise Your Vibrations

Have you ever noticed when your home is messy and full of clutter, you tend to be in a bad mood and feel fatigued? Your home even feels darker although you haven’t done anything different with the decor. By minimizing clutter and thoroughly cleaning your home, you’ll notice the room feels bigger and brighter as fewer shadows bounce off clutter.

In return, your mood elevates, your energy rises, and you find yourself in a higher universal vibration. Cleaning your home can be a mindfulness activity as you express gratitude for each item you touch and stay fully present as you spray and scrub surfaces, watch bubbles go down drains, or stay fully present while folding each clothing item.

Get your senses fully involved by choosing pleasant scents to clean with. If you see cleaning as an opportunity for mindfulness and a cure for your low energetic vibration, then you can overcome seeing this process as a dreaded chore.

Tip to Raise Your Vibration:

Pick one weekend to clean mindfully by setting the intention of raising your vibration. One weekend should give you enough time to avoid rushing and be fully present while cleaning. The goal is to show appreciation not only to your material objects but for the task and for the effort you are putting into the task.


Look at your sparkly clean home. Just sit back and let your ego enjoy your awesomeness.

5. Create a Gratitude List to Raise Your Vibration

If you want to raise yourself to a higher vibration, then an attitude of gratitude is the most natural way to attract more desired experiences into your life. A gratitude list can be written or mentally noted. It can be a list of three things or a list of 50 things. At the beginning of each morning, think of all the things in your life that make you feel grateful. It does not have to be elaborate, just a simple list is fine.

Example Gratitude List:

  • Fresh air.
  • Clean water.
  • Heat in the winter or air conditioning in the summer.
  • Car so I can get to work and run errands.
  • Sunlight.
  • Warm bubble bath to relax before bedtime.
  • Coffee with peppermint mocha coffee creamer.
  • “Cotton candy skies” (this is what I call the sky when the sun is starting to set and has that mix of pink, blue, and orangish colors).
  • Looking at the stars on a clear night.
  • Cuddling with my kids in the evening (okay, cuddling with my 7-year-old…my 12-year-old thinks he’s too old for cuddles, but I’m grateful for every hug I can steal).

Tip to Raise Your Vibration:

If you’re a parent, make this an evening habit to do with your child at bedtime. You think of five things and each of your children thinks of five things. If the entire household is focusing on gratitude, think of the blessings that will come to your family.

EGO Exercise:

Post your gratitude list on your social media for everyone to see. Don’t be shy! Get your followers to post their gratitude lists.


With that being said, what are you grateful for? Please comment below. By practicing positive thinking to be happy, you can elevate your vibrations and attract the life you desire. Remember, it’s all about finding what works best for you and being consistent with these practices. Namaste!


  • Mel, NP.

    Melissa McNamara, creator of Happy Easier, is dedicated to showing that happiness is within everyone’s reach. Her happiness blog is full of tips, techniques, and insights for living a happier, healthier life. As a nurse practitioner with a journalism degree, she combines her healthcare expertise with storytelling. Despite a challenging start in life, she turned her struggles into strengths, ultimately achieving success and happiness. Melissa's journey is a testament to positive change, and through Happy Easier, she helps others create the happiness they deserve.

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