Here is the image of a woman deep in thought, using the law of attraction to visualize and achieve her goals. The setting is cozy and inviting, with inspiring objects around her to aid in her focus and positive energy.

Why the Law of Attraction Won’t Let You Live a Happy Life

If you want happiness and a positive mindset, understanding how to live a happy life involves mastering the law of attraction. The law of attraction is always working, and you’re in the driver’s seat. But sometimes, it can feel like getting in the driver’s seat with a clutch when you’ve only driven automatic—you’re not going to get far if you don’t know how to practice the law of attraction.

Simply put, the law of attraction means your thoughts create your reality. Negative thoughts attract more negative experiences, while positive thoughts attract more positive experiences. So, is the law of attraction real? Absolutely. If you feel like the universe is ignoring you, here are five ways you might be halting the law of attraction in your life.

1. Engaging in Gossip or Complaints

Whether it’s at work, with friends, at church, at home, or anywhere you’re around someone with ears and a mouth, you’re likely to hear gossip or complaints. Once someone starts complaining about an issue, it immediately puts their problem on you or vice versa.

Now, you’re angry about an issue that wasn’t even a concern 15 minutes before the conversation. Don’t fall into this negativity trap.

Always speak highly of others when they’re not around and try to find the positive in seemingly bad situations.

2. Not Monitoring Your Media can interfere with Living a Happy Life

As someone with a degree in journalism, believe me when I say the media loves a juicy story. If the media can choose between a double homicide or a dog saving its owner from a fire, the murder will always win.

Why? Because a story with shock value gets a bigger audience. This also goes for issues of conflict, like politics. The media is not objectively reporting stories, but instead framing them to elicit a response from their audience. A stronger audience response equals more shares and more views. Cha-ching for the media outlet, but bad for your thoughts and happiness.

This goes beyond news outlets. Look at Amazon, Hulu, and Netflix. Suggestions are based on your views. If you consistently watch drama, crime documentaries, and horror, then you’re watching media that elicits negative emotions. Do yourself a favor and watch some comedies instead.

I googled “yoga trapeze” one day, and soon after, I saw ads for yoga trapezes everywhere on Facebook. The same happened with an automatic cat litter box. Thanks to cookies, our smartphones track and sell to us based on our searches.

3. Stop Searching for Ways to Be Offended

Keep your searches positive and avoid content that stirs up negative emotions. If you see a video on a controversial topic, don’t watch it, and definitely stay out of the comments section. The worst thing you can do is interact because you’ll become angry and emotionally involved. The law of attraction will then bring you more things to be offended and angry about.

Do yourself a favor and stop subconsciously looking for ways to be offended. This might require deleting Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok until you can resist the urge to be offended and defend yourself. The ego loves drama.

4. Trying to Fix What’s Missing Instead of Showing Gratitude Prevents You From Living a Happy Life

We all feel sorry for ourselves sometimes, but if you get stuck in this mindset, you’ll keep attracting more ways to be a victim. This mentality looks at what’s missing in your life and declares, “I’ll be happy when I have [a better car, more money, a bigger house, a better relationship, a new job].”

Unfortunately, focusing on what’s missing causes the law of attraction to provide more of what’s missing in your life. The job, the money, the relationship—they’ll always be in the future and not in the now because you continuously affirm they’re missing.

Instead, focus on what you currently have and because that’s how to live a happy life. Say “THANK YOU” every day for the life you are currently living. This shift in focus will attract more of what you want.

Quick Gratitude List

  • I am so happy and grateful…
    • To have a heartbeat.
    • To breathe.
    • To have a new day with new possibilities.
    • To have a bed to sleep in.
    • To have food in my kitchen.
    • To have heat or air conditioning.
    • To have healthy kids or pets.
    • To have clean clothing.
    • To have clean water to drink and shower with.
    • To have a car that gets me from place to place.

5. Doubting the Process of How the Law of Attraction Works

Once you have visualized your desires and placed your order with the universe, you must have 100% faith that the universe is aligning your thoughts with your desired outcome. If you doubt the process, your circumstances won’t change, and the universe will give you more reasons to doubt.

You can turn negative and doubtful thoughts around by focusing on what makes you feel grateful. It’s okay to have desires, but you must know that what you want already exists in the universal mind—it just hasn’t manifested yet. Be patient, be thankful, and let the law of attraction show you how to live a happy life.

Steps to Develop a Positive Mindset to live a Happy Life

  1. Identify Negative Thoughts: Recognize when you’re feeding the ego with negative thoughts.
  2. Shift Focus to Gratitude: Make a habit of listing things you’re grateful for every time a negative thought arises.
  3. Practice Daily Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to reinforce a positive mindset.
  4. Stay Patient and Consistent: Understand that change takes time. Be patient and consistent with your new habits.
  5. Meditate Regularly: Meditation can help calm the mind and reduce the influence of the ego.
  6. Engage in Positive Activities: Dance, exercise, or engage in activities that elevate your mood and energy.
  7. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Spend time with positive people and environments that support your new mindset.

By integrating these practices into your daily life, you’ll cultivate a positive mindset and truly understand how to live a happy life. Embrace the law of attraction, focus on gratitude, and watch your life transform.


  • Mel, NP.

    Melissa McNamara, creator of Happy Easier, is dedicated to showing that happiness is within everyone’s reach. Her happiness blog is full of tips, techniques, and insights for living a happier, healthier life. As a nurse practitioner with a journalism degree, she combines her healthcare expertise with storytelling. Despite a challenging start in life, she turned her struggles into strengths, ultimately achieving success and happiness. Melissa's journey is a testament to positive change, and through Happy Easier, she helps others create the happiness they deserve.

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